After Rhinoplasty


Like any invasive procedure, rhinoplasty, or cosmetic nose surgery, also involves a period of recovery during which extra care should be taken to help the healing process go as smoothly as possible.

While recovery depends on the amount of correction done to the nose and the individual patient, it is typical that certain instructions outlined by your physician are followed:

  • Not touching or rubbing the nose.
  • Avoiding strenuous activity, such as vigorous exercise.
  • Avoiding sports or activities that involve bodily contact.
  • Sleeping on your back with your head slightly raised to ease swelling.
  • Cleaning the nose in a method outlined by your physician.

The recovery of every patient undergoing rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery at Naravee Aesthetic Clinic will be monitored by a physician in post-operative appointments.

2 thoughts on “After Rhinoplasty

  1. Kristy June 17, 2013 at 2:32 pm Reply

    My recovery time after I had my nose surgery by Dr. Jerome Edelstein, went really good, without any kind of problems, even if I must admit that it was a bit painful, but not that bad. Now, my nose is exactly how I wanted to be!

    • lipobangkok June 27, 2013 at 8:25 am Reply

      Yes it is! because the we all have different pain tolerance.. but the pain will be worth

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