Recovering from a Abdominal Tummy Tuck


A Abdominal Tummy Tuck is one of the more invasive cosmetic surgical procedures available at Naravee Aesthetic Clinic. While patients typically see dramatic results from abdominoplasty, recovery may take longer than other treatments.

The exact length of recovery depends on the individual, with factors such as age, extent of corrections, type of abdominoplasty, general health and skin elasticity important considerations. However typically someone who has undergone tummy tuck surgery should expect to avoid any strenuous activity, including bending and lifting anything for several days. Walking at a leisurely pace is recommended to assist in recovery. Any stitches will be removed in a week or two following surgery. It will be necessary to refrain from exercise for several weeks, until you are safe to do so as recommended by your physician.

During the recovery period, you may notice that the outcome of surgery does not appear as you had hoped. Keep in mind that there will be some degree of swelling and bruising due to the nature of the procedure. This will subside gradually over the course of a few months to reveal the true results of your tummy tuck.

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss



Black Beans



They contain large amounts of proteins which does not involve any fats that are saturated and which affect the body, the ideal quantity of black beans that is to be consumed should be a cup which contains around 15 grams of proteins in it.




They help in increasing the metabolism and also burn fats so quickly, the fiber component in it helps you feel away from hunger all over the day even if consumed in sufficient amount. Half a cup of oats contains resistant starch around 5 grams.



These are very healthy foods which contain low calories and diet can be maintained because of phytonutrients that are present in them. The antioxidants and fiber which plays a main role in maintaining diet are also present in them. They keep you away from diseases and help to maintain good health.




They contain fiber and proteins and also fats which are helpful in reducing the fats .Oleic acid, which produces monounsaturated fats that helps you in reducing the hunger, is present in avocados. Large amounts of fats can be melted away by consuming small amount of this fruit.



They contain fiber in higher quantities which quiets the hunger for a longer time. The antioxidants that is present in them helps in reducing the fats.




These contain fewer fats in them and sufficient quantity of proteins that keeps you away from hunger. It is a low fat diet that helps in burning fats and maintains considerable diet.

Green Tea



It contains antioxidants that reduces fats and calories and helps in maintaining perfect diet. The extra amounts of fats and calories that are present in the body can be burnt by consuming around 2-3 cups of green tea as a routine.



It is a natural super food that helps in reducing the fats in the body because of the powerful antioxidant that it contains. It contains water in large ratio comprising of Vitamins A and C.



They contain fewer amounts of calories when compared to meat but gives the taste of meat and it is a pure vegetarian food. This also helps in burning fats in the body and weight can be reduced consuming a cup daily



It is of a plant family which contains phytonutrients, vitamins and proteins that helps in shedding weight. Sufficient amount of Fiber is present in less amount of broccoli which helps in reducing fats.



It contains B-Vitamin and calcium and is very easily digestible compared to milk. It helps you boost immunity, reduces the risk of colon cancer and always regulates your blood sugar level and keeps your hunger pangs in control.

Brown Rice


It contains fibre, protein, selenium and is a low calorie rice substitute. Brown rice is low in saturated fats and has less Cholesterol and Sodium quantities. It serves as a heavy filling and you will not be hungry. Half cup of Brown rice contains around 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch; it helps you boost your metabolism and burn fat faster.



Pomegranates contain folic acids, Vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants. They are rich sources of fiber and are very low in calories. It is the healthiest fruit that helps you fight against cell damage, erectile dysfunction and inflammation of arthritis. This fruit also increases the oxygen levels of the heart. It satisfies your sugar cravings and controls your body weight.  It can be taken either in raw fruit form, juices or can also be added into salads.



Pears are the best sources of anti-inflammatory nutrients and antioxidants. They contain 4 times the phenolic phytonutrients compared to flesh. They help in reducing the risk of cancer and contain dietary fiber, which can be easily digested. They contain about 15% of your daily fiber intake. So do not peel it off, add this fruit into your diet with peel.



They are the best sources of fiber and protein. Half cup of lentils contain about 3.4 grams of Resistant Starch, which is a carbohydrate that aids in burning excess fat and also helps you boost metabolism.



They are the rich sources of dietary fiber, Vitamin B, protein, potassium and antioxidants. They help in lowering the risk of oxidative stress in the blood vessels and also prevent colon cancer.  The fibre present in flaxseed helps in delaying gastric emptying of the stomach and improves absorption of nutrients. Taking 1 tbsp of powered flaxseeds daily will provide Omega-3 fats and rich fiber. This will satisfy the appetite. You can mix this powder in a glass of lukewarm water or sprinkle it directly on soups, salads, chutneys or scrambled eggs before eating.



Red wine is rich in antioxidants. Fermented foods are very good for digestion, as they contain lactic acid. Resveratrol is a famous antioxidant present in the skin of grapes; it helps you in stopping fat accumulation. Wine drinkers will have low belly fat compared to liquor drinkers. One glass of wine will help you burn calories for 90 minutes.

Hot Chile peppers


Talking hot Chile peppers along with fresh tomato juice about thirty minutes prior to your meal, consuming this juice ensures that your appetite is satisfied faster and you’ll eat 10% less than your regular quantity. So these peppers are considered to be the best food for losing weight.



It is a tangy fruit that contains protein and has lots of water. It helps you in lowering your insulin levels and the fat-storage hormone present in this fruit, will help you reduce weight. Before having a meal, eat half a grapefruit, it helps you lose about one pound a week.  Since it contains 90% of water, it fills you up soon so that you’ll eat less.



Almonds are one of the super foods that have healthy fats, which help you in slimming down faster. Add nuts to your daily low-calorie diet, it aids you in losing more weight, as more chewing of the almonds releases more fat and high fiber and satisfies your hunger pangs. 

Kidney Beans


Kidney beans contain cholesterol-lowering fiber; it also prevents the blood sugar levels from rising after each meal. These beans offer a lot of protein and fiber to your daily meal. Half cup of Kidney beans contains Resistant Starch and provides around 2 grams of slimming carbohydrates.

Olive Oil


Oils generally contain fats in them, but olive oil is something which contains right fats that helps in burning fats, helping for weight loss. Olive oil keeps you full for longer hours due to the poly unsaturated fatty acids that are present in it; some ratio of oleic acid is present in it which also helps in reducing fats.



Ripe bananas contain some quantity resistant starch which helps in metabolism. Ideal sized banana which is slightly greenish contains around 12 grams of resistant starch which helps in weight loss and body slimming. 

Cranberry Juice


The antioxidants in cranberry juice aids in the process of calorie and fat burning. The fluids are reduced in the body, fluid retention helps in reducing fats and helps in weight loss



Having eggs for breakfast helps in weight reduction and also calorie and fat burning process. Survey has been carried out that though there is cholesterol present in eggs they do not affect the body as they are not highly bad cholesterols.



They contain some amount of carbohydrates and a slight amount of fiber in them; they help in the metabolism due to high percentage of resistant starch present in them which helps in reducing fats.



The fatty acids that are present in the cheese help in fat burning and weight loss. These fatty acids help hunger pangs away which in turn help in body slimming and make you look fit.

Dark Chocolate


The digestion process can be retarded by consuming fewer amounts of dark chocolate, which makes you feel full. It boosts the process of metabolism that aids in the fat and calorie burning process.

White Beans


They contain carbohydrates that increases the metabolism helps in fat reduction and calorie burning. It also contains resistant starch around 4 grams that helps in losing weight, stay fit and healthy. 



The fiber content present in the oranges pangs away the hunger and makes you feel full which keeps you stay longer for the next meal. So, oranges help in weight reduction and health care.

Pine Nuts


Pine Nuts are another super food that provides healthy fatty acids to the heart. These nuts will suppress hunger hormones and help you in burning belly fat. The saturated fats that are present in the nuts will help you lose weight overweight without exercising or reducing your calorie intake.



Plantains are good for health. Consuming about half a cup of cooked plantains will contain almost three grams of Resistant Starch, which is a healthy carbohydrate that helps you in boosting metabolism and also burns body fat.

Garbanzo Beans


Garbanzo beans are also called as chick peas. Half cup of these low-calorie beans serves more than 2 grams of Resistant Starch. These slimming beans are the best sources of protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Low-fat Milk


Low-fat milk contains similar fatty acids that are found in regular milk, the proteins present in it keep your hunger pangs down. Additional calcium helps you burn excess calories and fat.



Quinoa is a whole grain, which is diet friendly and rich in proteins that help in fighting hunger. By adding this grain to your daily meal you will not feel hungry for much longer with very less calories. It also helps you avoid overeating.

Pearl Barley


Pearl barley is another slimming agent that is added to a low calorie meal.  This starchy substance provides a satisfying fiber with a half cup of barley. It provides about 2 grams of Resistant Starch in each serving.


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After Rhinoplasty


Like any invasive procedure, rhinoplasty, or cosmetic nose surgery, also involves a period of recovery during which extra care should be taken to help the healing process go as smoothly as possible.

While recovery depends on the amount of correction done to the nose and the individual patient, it is typical that certain instructions outlined by your physician are followed:

  • Not touching or rubbing the nose.
  • Avoiding strenuous activity, such as vigorous exercise.
  • Avoiding sports or activities that involve bodily contact.
  • Sleeping on your back with your head slightly raised to ease swelling.
  • Cleaning the nose in a method outlined by your physician.

The recovery of every patient undergoing rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery at Naravee Aesthetic Clinic will be monitored by a physician in post-operative appointments.

Foods for Healthy SKin

Foods for Healthy SKin

Silicone or Saline: Which One Should I Get?

One of the most commonly asked questions we get at Naravee Aesthetic Clinic is “what is the difference between saline and silicone?”. to help answer this question, a saline implant consists of a silicone shell that is filled with saline (salt water) solution after the implant is placed. A silicone implant is also a silicone shell but it comes pre-filled with cohesive memory gel (silicone). Simply put the main benefits to a silicone implant are that they are going to feel more natural and look more natural. The majority of the patients at our clinic decide to go with silicone because of these two reasons.


Saline PROS:

  • Implants are filled after placement inside the body, therefore requires a shorter incision.
  • If a rupture occurs, you’ll most likely be able to tell faster.

Saline CONS:

  • Not as pliable and natural-feeling.
  • More chance of rippling.
  • You can feel the implant shell more

Silicone PROS:

  • Their texture; it really feels far more like natural breast tissue than saline.
  • Less chance of rippling
  • You can’t really feel the implant shell as much, and it can’t be distinguished from the filling.

Silicone CONS:

  • A larger incision is necessary because they come pre-filled.


Call +662 398 8565 ext 428 or +668 4499 4470 for the cost of breast augmentation in Bangkok.

13 Brain Foods — Boost your Brain and Memory

1. Almonds– increase blood flow to the brain

2. Blueberries – improve learning and motor skills

3. Walnuts — high in omega 3

4. Brussels sprouts — has tryptophan which converts to seroten in brain health

5. Broccoli — assists in brain functioning

6. Cauliflower — assists in cleansing white matter in brain

7. Ginger – anti inflammatory

8. Apples – power food for mind , body & emotions

9. Watermelon- targets brain function

10. Cabbage – help in lowering risk of brain, lung & prostate cancer

11. Lettuce – helps increase blood flow to the brain

12. Rockmelon – supports the brain

13. Pine Nuts — stimulate brain activity

Why we should avoid Yog-hurt an Empty stomach


This is because Yogurt contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria. When we eat an empty stomach, lactic acid bacteria are easy to die in a large number while being in the stomach with higher acidity, thus losing part of the health effects.dr.sharib azmi

After we eat large quantities of food, the acidity of stomach decreases, so the lactic acid bacteria can play a better role

Be sure to eat yogurt after a meal or if you have little to do with a full stomach

How to Sleep Less and Stay Healthy

Rule 1. It’s not just the quantity of sleep that counts, but also the quality.

Everyone has woken up after 10 hours sleep and felt fatigue, as well as getting up after 6 hours of sleep feeling completely refreshed and rested. There are many factors that may influence how long you need to sleep to feel rested, but the rule is simple. The higher is the quality of your sleep, the smaller amount of sleep time you need. This is the first recipe in shortening your sleep time. It seems to be logical, but how you can improve the quality of your sleep? There are a number of ways to do it but the most practical are:

  • Do not eat before going to bed (at least 2 hours before sleep time).
  • Sleep in dark, quiet room.
  • Try using a sleep optimization program. These work wonders for some people.
  • Sleep with fresh air (open windows or get air refresher).
  • Exercise during the day. If you don’t exercise, go for a 15 minutes walk before the sleep time.
  • Do not watch TV in the bed before going to sleep. Read a book, take a bath, do something relaxing.
  • Don’t drink coffee or other stimulants within 6 hours of bed time.
  • Don’t take long naps (more than 30 mins) during the day.
  • Follow these simple tips and within one or two weeks you will notice how your sleep starts improving.

Rule 2. Any habit can be changed, slowly.

There is an old African proverb. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The same is true for changing your sleep habits. When do you go to sleep, how long you sleep, where you sleep –- it’s all part of the sleeping pattern that your body is accustomed to. Like any habit, it can be changed by taking small but regular steps.

Start waking up 5 minutes earlier every 2-3 days. In one week, you’ll be waking up 15 minutes earlier. In one month, you’ll be waking up 1 hour earlier! To make it even easier, you can take slower steps and extend your experiment for 2 or 3 months by shifting your sleep time by 5 minutes a week. To succeed in this experiment, you should try and go to bed at about the same time every day. It requires discipline, but result is well worth it.

As you start sleeping less and less, it’s crucial to remember and follow the first rule about quality sleep. This is your only way to compensate for less sleep.

Just imagine what you can do with all the free time you can get from waking up earlier. If you can manage to get one extra hour per day you’ll end up with 365 hours per year –- that’s equal to 9 work-weeks of productive time! By utilizing this time you could learn a new language, read dozens of books (or even write some!) and start exercising regularly. Morning time is also the most productive time. No wonder the early rising habit is so common among successful people. Become one of them!

Natural Remedies To Help You To Quit Smoking


Cayenne Pepper: Desensitizes the respiratory system to tobacco and chemical irritants helps stop cravings for cigarettes. Take the spice daily: add a couple of pinches to a glass of water.

Ginger: Ingesting pure ginger helps you quit smoking. Ginger has a warming and heating effect in the body, which promotes perspiration. When your body sweats it excretes toxins and relieves some chemical loads from the body. A great detox for a smoking addiction. Also – Drink ginger tea. Instead of smoking try preparing a cup of ginger tea. This is effective because it helps form a new habit instead of smoking.

Ginseng: Prevents nicotine-induced releases of the neurotransmitter dopamine found in cigarettes. Take a teaspoon of ginseng powder in some cereal or maybe a health shake. (prevents cravings)

St. John’s Wort: Recommended 450 mg capsule 2 times a day

Peppermint: nausea can be alleviated with peppermint tea or peppermint oil. It’s great for relieving nausea but is also helps relaxation. It has an anesthetic and pain-relieving effect on the body – that’s perfect for combating this dirty habit.

Lobelia: Active ingredient is lobeline, thought to have similar properties as nicotine. Research has shown that lobeline may increase levels of dopamine in the brain similar to cigarettes.

History of modern breast augmentation


1985 Austrian-German surgeon Dr. Vincenz Czerney reconstructs a woman breast by removing a large lipoma from her flank and transplanting it at the mastectomy site.

1990 there are written description first breast augmentation cases using paraffin wax injection, but no documentation on when it is first performed.

1920’s the use of paraffin to enhance and reconstruct breast is discontinued due to complication that were occurring such as ‘paraffinomas’ and ‘wax cancer’

1940’s during World War II, Japanese prostitutes inject their breast with industrial silicone liquid in order to appeal to American Gls. The procedure becomes popular and spread to the US.

1945 and 1950 Morton I Berson and Jacques Malinac performed flap-based breast augmentation by rotating the patient’s chest wall tissue into the breast to increase its volume.

1950s-60 plastic surgeons used synthetic fillers – including silicone injections – received by some 50,000 women, from which developed silicone granulomas and hardening that required by mastectomy.

1961 Texan plastic surgeons Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow develop the first silicone breast implant in collaboration with the Dow Corning Corporation. The first silicone implant is made of a thick gel contained in a thick elastomeric envelope.

1962 a 36-year-old mother of six, Timmie Jean Lindsey, is the first woman to be implanted with the silicone breast implants at Texas Charity Hospital

1965 laboratories Arion in France introduce inflatable saline breast implants. The implants are filled with saline or a hypertonic solution. They produce the first ‘bouncy breast’ result

1970 Canadian researchers work on an inflatable implant for Dow Corning. The project is discontinued when they find that there is an 8 percent rate during the first year

1970’s New silicone implants produced which are more “lifelike”, but have a tendency to break more easily. once broken, total removal is difficult or impossible

1970’s Polyurethane foam covering for implants becomes popular to help prevent capsular contracture. The foam begins to disintegrated in body almost immediately, making it difficult to remove and causing other complications.

1976 Breast implants approved for use in the USA on the basis that they had been on the market prior to implementation of FDA regulations begun in this year.

1992 The FDA bans silicone gel implants to health concerns.

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